Proud Mary Theatre Company continues its ground-breaking Brand New Spanking Play Series with C’est ls Vie (or Smiling at Life), a collection of four interconnected one-act plays by Upstate playwright C. Robert Jones, debuting LIVE on FACEBOOK on Tuesday, June 8 @ 8 p.m.
C’est la Vie is directed by Aaron Pennington and starring three brilliant Upstate actors: Libby Riggins, Joel Perkin and J.R. Bloomer.
C. Robert Jones is a native South Carolinian and a graduate of USC. Over his theatre career, he’s been an actor, director, teacher, composer, and playwright. In the southeast, his plays have been performed at such theatres as the Flat Rock Playhouse, the Barter Theatre, the Henrico Theatre Co. (Richmond, VA), the Academy and Art Station Theatres in Atlanta, Theatre Memphis, and his new comedy The Senator’s Wife recently had its premiere at the Tennessee Stage Co. in Knoxville. Among his honors and awards are a David B. Marshall Award in Musical Theatre from the University of Michigan for his musical Rivals, the Robert Chesley Award (gay and lesbian theatre) for The Catbird Seat, and earlier this year he was named one of three honorees for the Robert J. Pickering Award for excellence in playwriting for his drama, The Salieri Effect. He is a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow at Yale University and the author of the delightful four-volume set of stories for children, Lanky Tales. crobertjones.com