Due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, SORDID LIVES AUDITIONS will be held via VIDEO ONLY.
Please note not all characters have “monologues” so just submit 1-2 minutes of lines.
Please EMAIL VIDEO LINK, Resume, Headshot & conflicts from April 20-June 21, 2020 to Sandy Staggs at [email protected].
APRIL 20 – JUNE 4, 2020 (approximate & may begin virtual)
JUNE 5-14, 2020 (may be moved 1 week later)
In this cult classic play by Del Shores, a colorful family from a small Texas town must come to grips with the accidental death of the elderly family matriarch during a clandestine meeting in a seedy motel room with her much-younger married neighbor. The woman’s family must deal with their own demons while preparing for what could be an embarrassing funeral. Did we mention this play includes a coming-out story, a Tammy Wynette drag queen trying to be de-homosexualized by a horny psychiatrist, a guitar playing muse, a guy with wooden legs, and a funeral?
Bitsy Mae Harling – A local singer with “a reputation”; Peggy’s good friend. MUST PLAY GUITAR
Ty Williamson – Latrelle’s son, a closeted 20-something gay man who left his small Southern Baptist Texas hometown and moved to West Hollywood to become an actor.
Sissy Hickey – Peggy’s much-younger sister; aunt to Brother Boy, Lavonda, and Latrelle; she just wants to stop smoking.
Noleta Nethercott – Peggy’s much-younger sister; aunt to Brother Boy, Lavonda, and Latrelle; she just wants to stop smoking.
Latrelle Williamson – Ty’s mother and Peggy’s elder daughter, who is primarily concerned with keeping up appearances.
Earl ‘Brother Boy’ Ingram – A fan of the women of country music, Brother Boy has been institutionalized for 23 years by his parents for being a cross-dressing homosexual.
LaVonda DuPree – Peggy’s younger daughter, a free spirit who is also Noleta’s best friend.
Dr. Eve Bolinger – “Doctor Evil” wants to dehomosexualize Brother Boy so she can write a book, appear on the Oprah television show, and quit her psychiatrist job at the mental institution.
Wardell ‘Bubba’ Owens – Bar Owner & G.W.’s friend; object of Brother Boy’s affection.
Odell Owens/Rev. Barnes – Bubba’s brother, who is scarred for life by a pig-bloating incident.
G.W. Nethercott – Noleta’s unfaithful husband, who feels responsible for Peggy’s death.
Juanita Bartlett – Wardell’s short-term-memory friend, a regular patron (the town drunk) of Bubba’s Bar.